Sunday, September 25, 2016

Week of September 19-23, 2016

This week we continued on applying dialogues into our daily routines. Students are to ask for supplies in complete sentences, "Can you pass me the ______?" or "Can I please have _______?" 

Students are expected to give more details by adding color words some of the times. 
Next week in Math, we will begin to compare quantities. Students will match the manipulatives to conclude which group is greater or lesser. We will then move on to compare numbers. Students will use tools such as drawing or looking at the number lines to further help them understand the concept. 

It has been a very eventful week. Students survived both fire and tornado drill as well as picture day! As we begin a new week, I want to thank you for your support and love. Parent Teacher Conference is just around the corner, so please be understanding if your child's teachers look a bit overwhelmed. We are trying our best just as you are.  

Friday Morning Work .. Writing down new vocabulary words plus some illustration! 

Friday, September 9, 2016

Week of September 6-9, 2016

Thank you parents for donating items for our Five Senses science unit. The students were able to engage in some exciting tasting and smelling activities. Students tasted salt, sugar, lemon, and black pepper. They also made play-doh pizza with basil, mint, rosemary, and coffee beans. Next week, we will take a nature walk to discover objects in a variety of textures. We will make a slimy bouncy ball, too.

In Mandarin, we will begin to formally introduce vocabulary words related to SCHOOL. Since students use supplies very frequently, it is so helpful to start learning their names. Things such as glue sticks, pencils, crayons, scissors, journals, dry erase markers, dry erase boards, water bottles, and lunch boxes. By the end of the unit, students are expected to ask for items in complete sentences and even describe the items by its color(s).

In Math, students will continue to count with cardinality and answering "how many?" questions.

smelling basil

pizza toppings

playdoh pizza

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Optional Homework: Greet your friend, pets, or family!

THANK YOU for parents who have sent in videos. Enjoy!

Our first thematic unit Greeting is coming to an end. I hope your child has shared a few things in Mandarin with family and friends. This is an OPTIONAL homework. Video tape your child greet someone in Mandarin and send the youtube link to me IF you want the video posted on this page. (Make sure the link is set to public not private) This is suppose to be fun and engaging. :)