Saturday, September 28, 2013

Week of September 23-27, 2013

We've had a very busy week! This week we continued to review names of body parts along side with color names. The students had fun drawing "a red nose", "a green head", "two purple ears", and so on. It was a fun activity but also an excellent way to assess how far their listening proficiency has gone since August 14. It is stunning! In Math we have also created number lines using sentence strips and yarn. For shapes we built pictures using Popsicle sticks and learned to say triangle and square in Mandarin. As long as you are able to count from one to eight in Mandarin, you are able to pick up most shapes names quickly. For literacy/math integrated center this week, the children counted cotton balls in Mandarin by picking them up with chopsticks. It was both exciting and confusing. I would suggest getting your family a few sets of chopsticks to practice at home. It can be a lot of fun! For beginners cottons balls are challenging enough, but for high achievers, try beans.

Chopsticks Center 

L Picking up Cotton Ball Twins! 

D Drawing a Pentagon and Writing the first character of Pentagon in Mandarin

W Constructing a Picture with a Triangle and a Square 

Friendly Reminder - 
- Water bottle in your child's bag daily
- A light sweater for the unpredictable fall weather

I also want to personally thank each and every one of you for being AWESOME and continue to be patient with me and GLOBE. Starting up a school is no easy task, but with your kind words it does get easier and so worthwhile.  

Below is a quick refresher on shapes. Don't worry if your child seem a bit lost on some of it, we will be spiraling the skills through Calendar Math and all. :) We will also be creating an individual shape/color book and will be adding it to the reading bag within the next two weeks.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Project - Chinese Restaurant

Project Due - October 7 & October 8

In the next two weeks, I'd like for you and your child to visit one of the many Chinese restaurants in town. Take a picture of your child with his or her favorite dish(es) and create an art piece with it. You could make a collage with a poster board, do something cool out of a shoe box, or just anything under the sky. Be creative! Please if possible include a menu or a picture of the menu from the restaurant. We will have your child present and discuss all the different dishes in Mandarin.

Few of my favorite Chinese restaurants! Feel free to share yours in the comments below!

Green Sprout 
1529 Piedmont Ave NE  Atlanta, Georgia 30324
(404) 874-7373
P.F. Chang's Yes, for real! :)

1624 Cumberland Mall
(770) 803-5800

500 Ashwood Pkwy

(770) 352-0500

7925 North Point Pkwy
(770) 992-3070

4897 Buford Hwy #109  Chamblee, GA 30341
(770) 457-7288

Week of September 16-20, 2013

Happy Friday! Thank you all for coming out to GLOBE's first Curriculum Night. It was warm and fuzzy for me to see each and everyone of you. Hope you got a good glimpse of what goes on in the Reading/ Writing Workshop/ Mandarin Literacy block. As Ms. Kenner mentioned, there will be future curriculum nights focusing on other curricular components. Stay tuned!

This week the students continued to count objects in Mandarin. They were also encouraged to ask "how many" in Mandarin. To reinforce color words, students made an ocean out of a paper plate and cute out fish and colored them in blue, red, green, and white. We connected the colors with Dr. Seuss' book "One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish."The kids love playing the "Color Game" where you pass around a certain color while naming the color words. I encourage you to complete the number flash cards if you have not done so and have your child read forward and backwards. Incorporate counting into your lives; count crackers, flowers, cars...etc.

Thanks to J's parents the students had a blast conducting puppet shows using the puppets! The children were encouraged to apply greeting words, perform a song, and say good-bye and thank you at the end of the show. The entire class was engaged and we cannot wait to do it again next week. We might have our own puppet show party mid-year!

Don't forget! Welcome to the GLOBE is coming this Saturday. Specific schedule will be released this week, but K will most likely perform between 11 and noon.

Friendly Reminder
* Prop(decorated water bottle with beads/rice/beans) due this week for the performance on Sat, 9/28 per Christina's email.
* Make sure your child brings a water bottle daily. 
* Only send in fresh fruit snacks for our AM snack. 
* Please limit sweets when packing your child's lunch

Friday, September 13, 2013

Week of September 9-13, 2013

This week we continued to review numbers and made a few flash cards. Please review the flash cards at home and help your child complete numbers one to twenty on index cards by Friday, 9/20. Make sure to keep the flash cards in your child's book bag at all time. They may come in handy during the Atlanta traffic! Several ideas on what to do with the flash cards: Putting the numbers in order, Read the numbers backwards, Start counting from numbers other than 1, Be familiar with the words "before", "after", and "between".

Months in Mandarin - Months and Day of the week has been an on going skill during Calendar Math. They are fairy easy and go hand in hand with the numbers your child has mastered.

Here they are -

Days of the Week

Days of the Week Flip Book 
The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Months of the Year
Ms. Salzillo's Homeroom class learned the song "Twelve Months" using the tune of Ten Little Indians today. You may review or preview it with your child if you'd like. 

Welcome to Globe | Saturday, September 28, 2013
Both Mandarin classes will be performing at the Welcome to GLOBE event on 9/28. Ms. Salzillo's homeroom class will be singing "August 15th". Ms. Liu's homeroom class will be singing the "Finger Exercise" song. Below you will find the Youtube clip of "August 15th". We can't wait to share everything we have learned on September 28th! 

I am happy. 

I am angry.

Routine Book that we have been practicing. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Happy (almost) Hump Day!

To celebrate a new laptop donated by the Rhame Family Foundation (thanks Amy!), I am posting few pictures from class. I also want you to know I am in the process of burning CDs, but would like a volunteer who is able to "burn" them all for the class. Who is in?(Thank you C's Mommy!) I will hand you a copy and you will burn the rest, 43 of them of course. I have the sleeves (Thanks Jen and SuoHsien!)

Important Dates -

Thursday, 9/19/13 |Curriculum Night| 5:00-6:00
Friday, 9/20/13 | Mandarin Parents Night Out |Amy's|
Saturday, 9/29/13 |Welcome to GLOBE| 

                                                       Blocks - Putting Numbers in Order
Independent Reading
Singing Familiar Mandarin Songs
This One Translates to "I am Special!"
Thank You M's Mommy for the Spice Racks, R's Dad for the Leaf, and for A's Dad for hanging all of them up!

Thank You M's Mommy for the Wires!

Mandarin Number Wall

Very Red :)

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Working from Home...

So I have always been envious of people who get to " work from home". Well, after I had five days of what it seemed to be a flu, it turned out to be Strep after a simple doctor's visit. I was told by SEVERAL people not to return to work until Monday. Boo! I miss my kiddos and their beautiful spirit. Anyhow, I decided to "work from home". Posting two helpful resources: Finger Exercise Song that your child has been singing and Mandarin Numbers with pronounciations for you to work with on the go!

Working from the iPad so the embedded codes don't show up for me. Here is the link to the Finger Exercise Song:
Also, I will be making copies of CDs hopefully very soon. ( Hence the CD sleeve on the wish lists)
I *think* it's doable to share songs via iTunes since I own the CD, but I will need help and ideas with that.

Here is the link to Mandarin Numbers in writing form and their pronounciations: