Friday, January 29, 2016

Week of January 25-29, 2016

What a beautiful week with my favorite GLOBE kindergarteners. We began to investigate addition, ending the clothing thematic unit in language, and compare/sort plants. The students enjoyed hands on addition centers and will be moving into the concept of subtraction next week. We will be investigating addition and subtraction as well as reinforcing the concept through word problems in English class. The skills are fundamental and will last for about two months.

Here is a winter clothing game kids learned to play! You can do it with other sets of thematic unit vocabulary, math and science vocabulary words, and just about anything. A great way to reinforce vocabulary memorization.

Watch how one of our students counts up while speaking Mandarin. It comes so natural! 

Saturday, January 23, 2016

|Project| Lion Head - Due: Monday, February 2/8/2016

February 8 marks the first day of Chinese New Year and we are celebrating the year of Monkey! Each year our kindergarten family has the most fun creating their own Lion Head! We will be parading the heads through the school building on 2/10! Please see the instructions below and remember to make it a fun and exciting family project.!You can find a good size box at any grocery store. 

Due Monday, February 8! 

See the photos above and here is what you have to do:
1. Find a box that isn't too big or too small for your child's head 
2. Cut a hole to show your child's face.
3. The rest is personal preference / creations! 

Friday, January 15, 2016

|Mandarin Journal| 四季歌

Voice Recorder >>

|WATCH| Gong Xi! Gong Xi! 恭喜恭喜

We will be rehearsing this song for Chinese New Year, but it will greatly help if your child listens to the song a couple of times at home, too!


(měi)(tiáo)大街小巷(dàjiēxiǎoxiàng) 每个人(měigèrén)(de)(zuǐ)() 见面(jiànmiàn)第一(dìyī)()(huà) 就是(jiùshì)恭喜(gōngxǐ)恭喜(gōngxǐ)
恭喜(gōngxǐ)恭喜(gōngxǐ)恭喜(gōngxǐ)()(ya) 恭喜(gōngxǐ)恭喜(gōngxǐ)恭喜(gōngxǐ)()

冬天(dōngtiān)()(dào)尽头(jìntóu) 真是(zhēnshì)(hǎo)(de)消息(xiāoxī) 温暖(wēnnuǎn)(de)春风(chūnfēng) 就要(jiùyào)(chuī)(xǐng)(le)大地(dàdì)
恭喜(gōngxǐ)恭喜(gōngxǐ)恭喜(gōngxǐ)()(ya) 恭喜(gōngxǐ)恭喜(gōngxǐ)恭喜(gōngxǐ)() 恭喜(gōngxǐ)恭喜(gōngxǐ)恭喜(gōngxǐ)()(ya) 恭喜(gōngxǐ)恭喜(gōngxǐ)恭喜(gōngxǐ)()

(hào)(hào)冰雪(bīngxuě)溶解(róngjiě) 眼看(yǎnkàn)梅花(méihuā)()(ruǐ) 慢慢(mànmàn)长夜(chángyè)过去(guòqù) 听到(tīngdào)()(shēng)()()
恭喜(gōngxǐ)恭喜(gōngxǐ)恭喜(gōngxǐ)()(ya) 恭喜(gōngxǐ)恭喜(gōngxǐ)恭喜(gōngxǐ)()

经过(jīngguò)多少(duōshǎo)困难(kùnnan) 经历(jīnglì)多少(duōshǎo)磨练(móliàn) 多少(duōshǎo)(xīn)(ér)盼望(pànwàng) 春天(chūntiān)(de)消息(xiāoxī)
恭喜(gōngxǐ)恭喜(gōngxǐ)恭喜(gōngxǐ)()(ya) 恭喜(gōngxǐ)恭喜(gōngxǐ)恭喜(gōngxǐ)() 恭喜(gōngxǐ)恭喜(gōngxǐ)恭喜(gōngxǐ)()(ya) 


Sunday, January 10, 2016

Week of January 5-8, 2016

Happy New Year!

In language this month, we began to introduce seasonal clothing. The students will name clothing and describe them by colors. Exciting news! Culminating event for this unit is a Fashion Show happening at the end of this month. Invitation coming your way in two weeks.

In Math, we are exploring data and measurement. Students measured objects and compared their lengths. They also compared weight using a balance scale.

In Science, we are categorizing animals by skin coverings and movements.

Although it was only the first week back since the winter break, it feels like the teachers and students jumped right back into the routines without a frown. I am amazed this time of the year because I always witness so much growth both academically and socially. During one of our Math whole group discussion this week, we measured six stuffed animals using unifix cubes. I asked the students (in Mandarin, of course!), "Which two of these six are the longest?" Without any hesitation, a few answered in a complete sentence, "Both 4 and 6 are the longest!" It was mind-blown! Of course every learner progress at different rates in different subject areas. I am just excited to watch their faces light up and ready to learn, every single day.

Thank you parents for your trust, kindness, and support! Go GLOBE!